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We are an innovative studio dedicated to immersive brand experiences.

We blend strategy, storytelling, theatrics, and advanced technology to create unforgettable connections where the physical and digital worlds meet.


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What we deliver

Immersive brand experiences

From conceptualisation to execution, we craft complete, multi-sensory journeys that bring brand stories to life.

Strategic brand activations

Each activation is strategically crafted to amplify brand affinity, loyalty, preference, and recall among audiences.

Advanced tech solutions and production

We leverage AI, AR, VR, and cutting-edge technology to streamline complex productions, ensuring flawless and impactful executions.

Alessandro Pula

Production / Business Intel

Manu Madeddu

Strategy / Innovation

Stephan Bischof

Creative / Storytelling

Noel Drew

Innovation / Creative

Aleks Wnuk

Creative / Strategy

Katerina Lillywhite

Experience Design / Creative

Claire Cook

Production / Creative

Alessandro Pula

Production / Business Intel

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Ale's experience in establishing and leading global teams, as well as his expertise at implementing agile processes, forms the core of our strategic vision.

From his tenure at The Mill's Experience, he brings a wealth of knowledge, ensuring we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of immersive experiences, delivering innovation on all platforms and terrains.

Claire Cook

Production / Creative

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Claire’s extensive experience in AR, VR, and immersive media, crafts groundbreaking experiences across digital platforms. Her work, including projects like ‘Lifeforms’ and immersive films for Hyundai, showcases her ability to blend storytelling with technology.

A Cambridge alumna, Claire’s expertise has led her to speak on global stages, sharing her vision for the future of interactive media.

Manu Madeddu

Strategy / Innovation

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Manu brings over 30 years of experience from both the advertising and corporate world at a global level.

His experience leading National Geographic and PayPal’s brand marketing teams makes him our strategic compass, ensuring our innovation aligns with business goals.

Manu’s work delivers meaningful impact for stakeholders and shareholders alike.

Katernina Lillywhite

Experience Design / Creative

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Katerina is the thread that ties Strategy, Creative & Tech. With a wealth of experience working with some of the creative leaders in the experiential scene, she is passionate about crafting meaningful experiences that create lasting memories for audiences.

Through unpacking strategies and understanding audiences, she has an ability to translate complex requirements into tangible user journeys, delivering emotive messages that transcend physical and digital worlds.

Stephan Bischof

Creative / Storytelling

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Our creative compass is Stephan. Formerly leading the Europe Experience Team at The Mill, Stephan has a knack for charting the uncharted in Mixed Reality (MR) and Extended Reality (XR).

He weaves experiences that are not just immersive but are emotionally riveting, blurring the lines between the virtual, physical, and the fantastic.

Aleks Wnuk

Creative / Strategy

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Aleks comes from the world of advertising as a creative lead and copywriter at international agencies like AKQA, Stink Studios, and Nexus Studios where she worked on global brands such as Nike, Burberry and Google.

Her specialty is crafting stories designed to be experienced whether in physical or digital spaces. With roots in traditional theatre, Aleks has found her niche in transitioning narratives into immersive journeys, guiding audiences from memorable observation to unforgettable experiences.

Noel Drew

Innovation / Creative

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Noel's career as both technical and creative director spans every facet of experience design - His past work demonstrating an ability to push the boundaries of interaction and engagement through technology.

His holistic approach uniquely enables him to problem-solve and bring to life creative visions with a hands-on approach to development, often splitting his time equally between the creative studio and the workshop, crafting multi-sensory environments that redefine the possibilities of digital and physical spaces.

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Connect with us for a collaboration that mixes creativity, innovation, and financial intelligence to elevate your brand.

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